Wednesday 17 July 2013

The Ghostly Park-Part 2

I wake to see the shadow as it turns,
"welcome to the land of shadows child feel free to explore this land but if you try to escape you shall be hunted down, killed and eaten you have been assigned to 5 years of this heaven. This world will allow you to do things in any way you desire... Goodbye...”

I hear a strange humming before a purple mist begins to appears swirling around me. Suddenly, I am in a forest, there is a stone shack in front of me and inside is a strange assortment of items, as I stepped outside I realized that this was no planet, there were hundreds, thousands maybe even tens of thousands of islands the island directly in front of me had... a dinosaur on it.
"Hi kid! Come over here...”

Thank you, look out for part 3.

1 comment:

  1. well doe Alden. Can't wait for next episode Nan xx
